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Hawaii Style Beef Stroganoff and Rice

A quick and easy Beef Stroganoff recipe, served with a creamy mushroom and onion sauce which is perfect for weeknights. Recipe withstride-by-footstep photos.

beef stroganoff with pasta on plate on wooden board

Beef Stroganoff Recipe

Beef Stroganoff has get a regular dish in our dwelling, primarily because it is a fabulously fast and delicious dish to make during the busy week.

Here is my easy Beef Stroganoff recipe which I love to brand for my family.

Why This Recipe Works

  • This is a great weeknight recipe just also platonic for entertaining friends.
  • Go dinner on the tabular array in around30 minutes!
  • The creamy mushroom sauce is perfect for serving with buttery pasta or a comforting basin of rice.
beef stroganoff with pasta on plate with white napkin

What Cut of Meat to Use for Beef Stroganoff?

In Switzerland, the cutting of meat I utilize for a Beef Stroganoff is called entrecôte , which I believe is called ribeye or Scotch fillet in other countries. Yous could even utilise the more expensive beef fillet for this dish.

And the reason why a more expensive cutting of meat is desirable in a Beef Stroganoff is because the meat needs to exist cooked for only a few minutes, and you want a cut which is meltingly tender to go with the soft mushrooms and pasta.

beef stroganoff in large saucepan with white napkin and pot of herbs

What to Serve with Beef Stroganoff?

My family loves to eat Beef Stroganoff with lots of tagliatelle or fettuccine, although you could likewise serve Beef Stroganoff with rice (I think Basmati rice is best here)or mashed potatoes.

If you are serving your Beef Stroganoff with pasta, I as well recommend stirring the cooked pasta through the sauce so that it has had a risk to absorb the flavours from the sauce, likewise equally heat upward in the process.

As the dish tin be quite meat-heavy, unless you add lots of mushrooms like I do, it'southward a good thought to serve some steamed greens (like broccoli or beans) alongside.

beef stroganoff with pasta on plate with black fork

How to Brand Beef Stroganoff

Step 1

Start by searing the beefiness in a large saucepan. If your pan is a chip small, you lot may need to do this in batches and so that the meat is brown and slightly caramelised.

If y'all oversupply the pan with too much meat at the same time, the meat will instead steam and plow grayness.

Use a slotted spoon to remove the meat to a plate.

beef seared in saucepan with wooden spoon

Step two

Heat some more butter and oil in the pan, and sauté the onions, garlic and mushrooms until they showtime to soften.

Add a few pinches of bounding main salt to assistance depict the moisture out of the vegetables.

For me, a good Beef Stroganoff must have a flavoursome sauce which is generous with mushrooms and onions. If you are not a fan of mushrooms, simply reduce the quantities stated below in the recipe.

sauteed mushrooms and onions in saucepan with wooden spoon

Pace three

So add the sour cream, mustard and paprika. Let the mixture simmer gently for a few minutes.

Gustation for seasoning and mayhap even add together a dash of hot water if you want more than stroganoff sauce.

stroganoff sauce in saucepan with wooden spoon

Pace 4

One time you are happy with the seasoning, return the beef to the pan to warm information technology through the stroganoff sauce.

Garnish with chopped herbs and serve hot.

beef stroganoff in saucepan with sprinkled herbs

This is a recipe which you can hands tweak to your liking – simply arrange the beef stroganoff recipe below to your gustatory modality if yous prefer more than beef or more vegetables in your dish.

beef stroganoff with pasta on beige plate with fork and herb grinder


Easy Beef Stroganoff

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 20 mins
  • Total Fourth dimension: 35 minutes
  • Yield: Serves 4 to 6
  • Category: Dinner
  • Method: Stove Top
  • Cuisine: International

A quick and easy Beefiness Stroganoff recipe, served with a flossy mushroom and onion sauce which is perfect for weeknights.


  • 500 one thousand (one lb) beef fillet or rump steak, finely sliced
  • ocean salt
  • freshly cracked pepper
  • ivvi tablespoons butter
  • olive oil
  • 2 large brownish onions, thickly sliced
  • 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 500 chiliad (i lb) white button mushrooms, thickly sliced
  • 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 to 1 1/two cups crème fraîche or sour cream
  • parsley and/or chives, finely chopped
  • pasta or rice for serving, cooked co-ordinate to package instructions


  1. Lightly flavour the beef with some sea salt and freshly cracked pepper.
  2. Heat a few tablespoons of butter in a large saucepan over high heat, together with a bit of olive oil to finish the butter from burning.
  3. Sear the beef in batches, being careful not to overcrowd the pan. Add more than butter and oil as necessary.
  4. One time the beef is by and large cooked and golden in places (it does not need to be fully cooked through at this stage), use a slotted spoon to remove the beefiness to a bowl.
  5. Add together more than butter and oil to the pan.
  6. Sauté the onions and garlic until they have softened slightly.
  7. Add the mushrooms and cook until they start to soften and release some liquid.
  8. Stir in the mustard and paprika.
  9. Turn the stove down to medium oestrus.
  10. Stir in most of the crème fraîche or sour foam. Let everything bubble away gently until the sauce thickens slightly. If you want to create more sauce, you lot can add a touch on of humid water and/or more crème fraîche or sour cream. Information technology is important that the sauce is of the right gustatory modality and consistency before you add the beefiness in the next pace. Keep in heed that you want enough sauce to also coat the pasta after.
  11. Return the beefiness to the pan, together with any juices that have collected in the bowl.
  12. Mix everything together and taste for seasoning. Merely be careful non to melt the sauce for besides long on the stove as you don't desire to overcook the beef.
  13. If serving with pasta, melt the pasta until it is al dente (yet with a bite). Stir the cooked pasta through the sauce to make sure the pasta is fully coated. The pasta will keep to melt in the sauce.
  14. Garnish with chopped parsley and/or chives earlier serving.

Kitchen Notes

When making this dish, try not to overcook the beef, otherwise it will get tough.

While it is not traditional, I sometimes like to sneak some greens into this dish to get in a bit more than substantial. I often add some sliced greenish beans or snap peas with the onions and garlic, and cook them until they are just tender just nevertheless crisp.

To become dinner on the table faster, I recommend using pre-sliced fresh mushrooms in this recipe.

I like to serve this dish with tagliatelle or fettuccine, or bow-tie pasta for the children.

Make this dish gluten-free by serving information technology with steamed Basmati rice.

To convert from cups to grams, and vice-versa, please come across this handy Conversion Chart for Basic Ingredients.


  • Serving Size: Serves four to 6
  • Calories: 363
  • Sugar: four.1g
  • Sodium: 346.4mg
  • Fat: 25.2g
  • Carbohydrates: eleven.5g
  • Cobweb: 1.9g
  • Protein: 25.3g
  • Cholesterol: 87.9mg


This recipe was first published on vii March 2018. It has been updated with new photos and more comprehensive recipe notes.


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